WLCC Leader’s Message

Mr. IaI Tun (From Myanmar) World Lin  Chamber of Commerce Honorary Advisor  World Lin Family Association Vice Chairman  President of Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce  Chairman of Myanmar Yangon Jiulongtang Chairman of  Fuxing Brothers Group Company Chairman  I am glad to learn that the World Lin Chamber of Commerce is developing new websites, social media and new e-books. I would like to extend

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WLCC Leader’s Message

Dr Nini (From Myanmar)  World Lin Chamber of Commerce Honorary Advisor I was very honour to be appointed the Honorary Advisor by the World President Tan Sri Dato Lim Soon Peng. I would like to extend my most heartfelt congratulation to World Lin Chamber of Commerce for setting up this platform on 9th May 2012

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LCC Leader’s Message

Tim Lim (From Papua New Guinea) President of Papua New Guinea LCC We are indeed honoured to be accepted by and be a member of World Lin Chamber of Commerce (WLCC). I extend my utmost congratulations to the founding members and Boards Member of the World Lin Chamber of Commerce who have such a great vision on

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LCC Leader’s Message

Valerie Lim  (From Singapore) Council Chairman of Singapore LCC Managing Director, Alpheus Group of Companies Dear fellow members of World Lin Chambers of Commerce, Since our last celebrations in Xiamen in December 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic took us by surprise, and created a huge impact on businesses, families and economies around the world. Despite these

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Standardization Process For Image And Branding

The  following  comprise  the  list  of  items  that  would  require  a standardized approach for all Lin Chambers of Commerce in the world. •  These standardized processes, procedures and materials would greatly help to ensure that a set of best practices are in place to enable the global Lin chambers of commerce to ensure performance consistency and have a unified corporate, business and cultural image.  • Universally  it  is  regarded  that  having  a

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Xiamen LCC | 2019

WLCC Event on 28 Dec 2019 at Xiamen China Presentation of Certificate of Appointment to all the Advisors; Honorary Vice President and Sub- Committee Chairman, Vice Chairmen and Members for fiscal year 2019/2022. Installation of Xiamen Lin Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Director for fiscal year 2019/2022 Installation of Quanzhou Lin Chamber of

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