5 Singaporean Lin Entrepreneurs sponsored to upgrade the WLCC Web Due to the new requirements of the cloud world in the 5G digital age, we need to upgrade our website and activate social media. With the support and approval of the World President Tan Sri Dato Lim Soon Peng, and the Chairman of Global Lin Chambers Development Affairs
Tag: Contributors
Pioneer Contributors of Fund on 18 May 2014 We honour all the following Members of World Lim Chamber of Commerce and Lin Chamber of Commerce Singapore and recognize them as the Pioneer Contributors of Fund (PCF). A total amount of Singapore Dollars $135,000.00(USD 99,631) was raised in order to form up and conduct the Installation
The Design cost of Singapore Dollars $8,000 on“ World Lin Chamber of Commerce Compendium 2014 to 2019” were contributed by David Lim Heng Huat, John Lim Ah Kow, Nancy Lim and Lim Kue Lay from Singapore. The Board of Governing Council Members expressed our sincere thanks to all of them. World Lin Chamber of Commerce (WLCC) Honorary Advisor Lam Tung
林静 廣東省江⾨市 ⾸先很感謝世界林⽒總商會WLCC給我⼀個很寶貴的機會去為總商會編寫⼀⾸屬於世界林⽒總商會的主題曲。這⾸歌曲是經過半年的時間去構思,編寫及多次修改後,並舆創會會長,會長及其他管理層交流後才完滿完成。⽬的是希望世界林⽒總商會擁有⼀⾸屬於⾃⼰的會歌。我,林静現在於廣東省的江⾨市設有業務單位~天藝數碼⽂化娛樂科技(江⾨)有限公司,主要業務是: 電影電視拍攝及制作 ,廣告平⾯設計,視頻拍攝,多媒體平台項⽬,錄⾳室⼯程及培訓項⽬等等。最新項⽬是與市政府落實建設⼤型電影基地。未來希望有機會為⼤家服務,並請多多指教 世界林氏总商会主题曲 作曲:林静 (广东省,天藝數碼文化董事长) 江水东流流不尽林氏子孙血脉连不分国度纵遥万里心相牵世界林氏 总商会 不分你我唱世界林氏之歌啊~啊~告诉世人我们林氏努力打拼江山从未忘祖宗永远留在血液中 遵守道德团结宗亲力量延续比干奉祖先光芒全球创商机忠诚平等 为林氏宗亲创明天世界林氏总商会 让人看见光芒 啊~啊~告诉世人我们一起努力打拼成功從未忘祖宗永远留在血液中